My Promise
With my assistance, the colors you choose for your artwork will beautifully enhance your rooms.
Use Complimentary Colors to Elevate Your Space
By using hues that enhance your room’s color scheme you can turn your home into a work of art in it’s own right. Complementary colors are those that are opposite to each other on the color wheel. For example, aqua blue is the opposite of orange. For one of my clients , whose room appears below, we chose two orange tone images to mirror the color of the pool table , and then put an aqua blue in between. When the opposites are juxtaposed they cause adjoining colors to appear more rich and vibrant. Without this juxtaposition the room would not appear nearly as interesting or vivid.
Neutral-Colored Rooms Welcome All Colors
If your room is white, a light shade of gray, or a white with just a slight tint of color, you can hang artwork of any color on it, as long as it matches the color of the decor.
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If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to talk about landscape photography, please Contact Us